From Research to Practice: A Review of Our Latest Findings in Cardiovascular Genetics
Webinar information
Date: August 11, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM PST / 18:00 CEST
Duration: 1 hour
C.E.U: -
Speaker: Julie Hathaway

We know that despite best efforts, an important number of patients with cardiomyopathies are still left without a molecular diagnosis after comprehensive genetic testing. This has important implications for both the patients and their families, as gene-specific management recommendations are becoming increasingly common.

In this educational webinar, Blueprint Genetics Clinical Liaison Julie Hathaway, MSc, CGC, CCGC, presents recent work in genetic cardiomyopathies, including new gene discoveries, which may provide patients with an answer for their diagnosis, better guide management strategies, and define risks for family members.


Webinar objectives:

  • Summarize the most recent findings which associate the NRAP gene and dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Describe the prevalence of RASopathy variants in our recent HCM cohort publications and the implications for clinical practice
  • Evaluate how the role of novel genes or different variant types in known genes are likely to impact the treatment and management of families with cardiomyopathies




Julie Hathaway

Julie Hathaway received her Masters of Science in Genetic Counselling from the University of Toronto. She is American and Canadian Board certified. She was introduced to cardiac genetics early on in her career and this remains her main area of interest in the field. As a Clinical Liaison at Blueprint Genetics, Julie provides both internal and external clinical support and education. In addition, she contributes to research and creating scientific content. Prior to this, she worked as a clinical coordinator and cardiac genetic counsellor and worked to establish the multidisciplinary BC Inherited Arrhythmia Program.

More details here

Page last modified: August 18, 2022
Webinar information
Date: August 11, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM PST / 18:00 CEST
Duration: 1 hour
C.E.U: -
Speaker: Julie Hathaway